Friday, Sept. 27, 2024
Charts: Reduction
States List: Selection
● Boxed Double Triplets 250 Pairs 50 (Pick 4)
● Boxed Single Pairs 20 (Pick 3)
● Boxed Single Pairs 30 (Pick 3)
● Boxed Single Pairs 30 (Pick 4)
● Boxed Single Pairs 50 Keys 7 (Pick 3)
● Boxed Single Pairs 50 Keys 8 (Pick 3)
● Boxed Single Pairs 60 (Pick 3)
● Boxed Single Pairs 60 Keys 8 (Pick 3)
● Boxed Single Triplets 150 (Pick 4)
● Boxed Single Triplets 150 Pairs 30 (Pick 4)
● Boxed Singles 1000 (Pick 4)
● Boxed Singles 400 (Pick 3)
● Coldest Type Double (2 or less) 20 Draws (Pick 3)
● Coldest Type Double (3 or less) 20 Draws (Pick 3)
● Coldest Type Double (5 or less) 20 Draws (Pick 4)
● Cut Sums 30 with Boxed Numbers list (Pick 4)
● Cut Sums 30 with Boxed Numbers list (Pick 3)
● Cut Sums 40 with Boxed Numbers list (Pick 3)
● Cut Sums 40 with Boxed Numbers list (Pick 4)
● Farthest Out Boxed Single Pairs (100 draws or more) (Pick 3)
● Farthest Out Boxed Single Pairs (50 draws or more) (Pick 4)
● Farthest Out Boxed Single Pairs (all) (Pick 4)
● Farthest Out Boxed Single Pairs (all) (Pick 3)
● Farthest Out CRAIG: DB Groups VTX (all) Top 20 (Pick 3)
● Farthest Out Clean Numbers (3 draws or more) (Pick 3)
● Farthest Out Clean Numbers (4 draws or more) (Pick 3)
● Farthest Out Cut Sums (all) (Pick 3)
● Farthest Out Cut Sums (all) (Pick 4)
● Farthest Out Digit A (15 draws or more) (Pick 3)
● Farthest Out Digit B (15 draws or more) (Pick 3)
● Farthest Out Digit C (15 draws or more) (Pick 3)
● Farthest Out Double Pairs (100 draws or more) (Pick 3)
● Farthest Out Double Pairs (all combined) (Pick 3)
● Farthest Out Double Pairs (all) (Pick 3)
● Farthest Out Double Pairs Chart (all) (Pick 3)
● Farthest Out Double-Doubles Boxed (all) (Pick 4)
● Farthest Out Doubles Boxed (all) (Pick 3)
● Farthest Out Doubles Boxed (all) (Pick 4)
● Farthest Out Even Odd (all) (Pick 4)
● Farthest Out Even Odd (all) (Pick 3)
● Farthest Out High Low (all) (Pick 3)
● Farthest Out High Low (all) (Pick 4)
● Farthest Out Keys (10 draws or more) (Pick 3)
● Farthest Out Keys (10 draws or more) (Pick 4)
● Farthest Out Keys (all) (Pick 3)
● Farthest Out Keys (all) (Pick 4)
● Farthest Out Keys (all) Top 10 (Pick 4)
● Farthest Out Keys (all) Top 10 (Pick 3)
● Farthest Out Length Sum Groups (all) Top 20 (Pick 3)
● Farthest Out Single Pairs Boxed Chart (all) (Pick 4)
● Farthest Out Single Pairs Boxed Chart (all) (Pick 3)
● Farthest Out Single Pairs Straight Chart (all) (Pick 4)
● Farthest Out Single Pairs Straight Chart (all) (Pick 3)
● Farthest Out Singles Boxed (all) (Pick 3)
● Farthest Out Singles Boxed (all) (Pick 4)
● Farthest Out Sums 10 to 17 (Pick 3)
● Farthest Out Sums 11 to 16 (Pick 3)
● Farthest Out Sums 12 to 15 (Pick 3)
● Farthest Out Triples (all) (Pick 3)
● Farthest Out Triples Chart (all) (Pick 4)
● Farthest Out Triples Chart (all) (Pick 3)
● Farthest Out Type Double (3 draws or more) (Pick 4)
● Farthest Out Type Double (5 draws or more) (Pick 3)
● Farthest Out Type Double (6 draws or more) (Pick 3)
● Farthest Out Type Double-Double (20 draws or more) (Pick 4)
● Farthest Out Type Double-Double (40 draws or more) (Pick 4)
● Farthest Out Type Double-Double (60 draws or more) (Pick 4)
● Farthest Out Type Single (3 draws or more) (Pick 4)
● Farthest Out Type Single (3 draws or more) (Pick 3)
● Farthest Out VTracs Double Pairs (20 draws or more) (Pick 3)
● Farthest Out VTracs Keys (5 draws or more) (Pick 3)
● Farthest Out VTracs Keys (8 draws or more) (Pick 3)
● Farthest Out VTracs Single Pairs Boxed (10 draws or more) (Pick 3)
● Farthest Out VTracs Single Pairs Boxed (15 draws or more) (Pick 3)
● Farthest Out VTracs Singles (100 draws or more) (Pick 3)
● Farthest Out VTracs Singles (50 draws or more) (Pick 3)
● Hottest ATrax Double 20 Draws (3 or more) (Pick 4)
● Hottest ATrax Double 20 Draws (3 or more) (Pick 3)
● Hottest Boxed Numbers 10 Draws (2 or more) (Pick 3)
● Hottest Boxed Numbers 20 Draws (2 or more) (Pick 3)
● Hottest Boxed Numbers 5 Draws (2 or more) (Pick 3)
● Hottest Boxed Pair 10 Draws (3 or more) (Pick 3)
● Hottest Digits in 20 draws (10 times or more) (Pick 3)
● Hottest Digits in 50 draws (25 times or more) (Pick 3)
● Hottest Double Pair 10 Draws (3 or more) (Pick 3)
● Hottest Double Pair 20 Draws (3 or more) (Pick 3)
● Hottest Double Pair 20 Draws (3 or more) (Pick 4)
● Hottest Selected Keys 10 Draws (4 or more) (Pick 3)
● Hottest Selected Keys 5 Draws (3 or more) (Pick 3)
● Hottest Straight Numbers 10 Draws (2 or more) (Pick 3)
● Hottest Straight Numbers 20 Draws (2 or more) (Pick 3)
● Hottest Type Double (11 or more) 20 Draws (Pick 4)
● Hottest Type Double (8 or more) 20 Draws (Pick 3)
● Hottest VTracs Double 10 Draws (4 or more) (Pick 3)
● Hottest VTracs Double 20 Draws (3 or more) (Pick 3)
● Hottest VTracs Double 20 Draws (3 or more) (Pick 4)
● Missing Boxed Numbers Current Year (Pick 4)
● Missing Boxed Numbers Current Year (Pick 3)
● Missing Straight Numbers Current Year (Pick 3)
● Most Recent Consec Quads Chart (Pick 4)
● Most Recent Consec Triplets Chart (Pick 3)
● Most Recent Double Pairs Chart (Pick 3)
● Most Recent False Triples Chart (Pick 4)
● Most Recent False Triples Chart (Pick 3)
● Most Recent Triple Triplets Chart (Pick 4)
● Most Recent Triples (Pick 3)
● Most Recent Triples (Pick 4)
● Most Recent Triples Chart (Pick 3)
● Most Recent Triples Chart (Pick 4)
● Roots 30 (without 0) with Boxed Numbers list (Pick 3)
● Roots 40 (without 0) with Boxed Numbers list (Pick 3)
● Roots 40 (without 0) with Boxed Numbers list (Pick 4)